Monday, December 4, 2006

Budapest to Seattle

Lunes 4 de Diciembre, 2OO6
Dear Bana --
No es tanta cosa de emergencia -- it's more of a chronic condition, but a very uncomfortable one -- even now, as I am writing this, my left hand which I don't use to write -- feels as if there is a small load of liquid metal inside, and my left little finger feels like it is always wearing the Ring of the Nibelungen --altho there is nothing there, obviously. At this point all I would like you to do is just check out in what part of the medical center such "palsied" or "trapped nerve" conditions are likely to be treated -- Probably, the neurology dept. Once you find that out I'm on the way. The only thing is that, since this is the Holiday season, some doctors may be away or whatever.

So, if you could just call the neurology dept. (shouldn't be hard to find since you're already at the U. on your job) -- and then ask to speak with some doctor there, tell him you have a friend coming in from Budapest, and could he set up an appointment for sometime around, say December 15 --2Oth ... If you find the exact doctor who handles such cases --(palsied ULNAR nerve in the leftarm, between elbow and little finger of left hand -- causing partially disabled and weakened left hand -- apparently caused by calcium deposits up around the neck) --
That's the official diagnosis so far, without having taken any x-rays or electromyograph -- just talking to a couple of Hungarian doctors.
If you do locate the right doctor, maybe I could email him for further discussion of the case and to set up an appointment.
In any case, I have been walking around with this messy condition since July! -- more than four months and it has been making my life miserable -- --i MUST REALLY BE STUPID!
It may take some kind of extended physiotherapy, so I want to get started as soon as possible. I would also like to get rid of this and return to normal health ASAP ...
So that's the story for now.
I have decided to cancel all other activities, such as film festivals and fatiguing travel until this is taken care of. I am already giving up an invitation to Florence, Italy -- next week -- with a FOUR STAR hotel stay thrown in -- because I am just too tired and fucked up to enjoy another trip like that until this goddamn arm is taken care of --no matter how many film festivals I have to miss in January, or until this is fixed.
So, lemme know if you have any success at the Med Center --and I hope to see you during the Holidays. Maybe we'll take in the "NUTCRACKER" at the Opera house --That was fun last time.
So, how is Jean-Marc getting along these days?
Hasta la proxima,

Hi. Just let me know when you're arriving . . . Maybe then I can get started on setting an appointment with the doctor. If you are in immediate need, when you arrive I can go with you to emergent care unit at the hospital.

I went to dinner yesterday with Jean Marc. Nothing fancy, just Ivars by Lake Union.

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